Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Saturday Sketch

I chose this picture (even though I am a little embarrased by it, I think it is not very good at all,) in honor of my dad who is in New Zealand teaching right now. I hope that he is doing well and that he has a safe trip back. For those of you who have not actually seen him, he is much more handsome than this. This is a pathetic representation of him. I love you daddy!


Faith Mae said...

Not bad at all! New Zealand!? He did bring a camera right?? I would LOVE to go there! Be an extra in some movie....ya know?



Anonymous said...

Julia, that is excellent! I saw the picture before I started reading, and I thought "I bet that's Andrew" and I was right! You captured him quite well.

It was so fun to see you on Saturday, hopefully our plans for this week's outing will come to pass. Love you!