I read this article from Spirit Daily : spiritdaily.com, and found it very interesting. :
Perhaps most intriguing in the depth of spirituality is the notion that in life we all -- each one of us -- have a special mission. We have written of this before. Let us explore it further. This is a very deep secret in your spirit. You have been sent here for a reason -- a specific reason that is unknown to you -- and it is important for you to fulfill that assignment. This is a prayer to be said each day -- that your mission be completed.
In fact, every person's mission is equal to every other person's. It may not make any "sense" to you -- any worldly sense -- but what God has assigned to you is as important as what He assigned to the President.
At a spiritual level, we all reverberate -- have effects -- that will not be recognized until later (that is, eternity).
Thus it is important for all of us to pray each day to fulfill the task.
That's not necessarily to know exactly what a mission is. Indeed, it may be against God's Will for you to precisely know what has been set for you. It may compromise the "test" of life. If we knew exactly what God expects, it would make the "test" easier" (and make no mistake: life is a constant test).
At the same time, we are not to dwell on what the mission is so much as fulfilling it according to its time. We are not to rush into what we think our mission may be. We are safest and most effective when we simply pray to do God's Will every moment.
This will take us to successful completion. A mission is defined as being sent forth with the authority to perform a specific duty. We get into difficulty when we stray from the authority (or misuse it).
"Your mission will be made known to you so that you might make a clearer decision," one woman claims she was told by Jesus. "But after this, you must decide. If you return to your life on earth, your mission and much of what you have been shown will be removed from your memory."
It could be simply raising a child. It could be helping someone who is ill. It could be offering up pain. It could be shining shoes. It could be suffering an illness to give another person the opportunity to help us! It could be simply praying for others. It could be leading a nation or cleaning the floors of a school -- both of which, in God's eyes, may be equal; it could be saying nice things to people as a cashier at a checkout.
For every time we do, it has a domino effect. A drop of goodness is a bright light that will cause other sparks of goodness.
Another spiritual truth:
Holiness sanctifies our surroundings.
The devil tries to twist the mission we have been assigned -- the grace we have been given, the gifts. He will seduce a leader into misleading a nation. He will cause a person who has been given the gift of income to use that money only on himself. He will influence a person who has a mission to build into construction of mansions instead of homes for the poor. The biggest traps are lust, selfishness, and materialism!
Doing God's Will (and following Sacred Scripture) is the answer.
One thing we can know: kindness will bring us joy and somewhere in the mysterious missions we have -- somewhere in the depths -- is the mission to love everywhere and everyone and despite the circumstances. Somewhere in that is always the "test"!
It is very interesting to me, because it seems that everyone is always pressuring, the world is always pushing you to go out there and get a career, be someone, get a good job and money so that you can live comfortably and "do" well. I have always had a negative reaction to this, I ask why? Why is it that this means success and being a babysitter or raising a family isn't success or isn't fulfilling your mission. But truly that is just what the world wants you to believe, not God. Babysitting or having a family is one of the best missions, just as cleaning floors or washing cars is. I think it was one time I was cleaning a floor or something like that, and I was kind of annoyed, why was I spending my time on this? then it dawned on me that maybe there could be some spiritual significance. That changed my attitude and then I decided to offer a prayer for all the people who had walked on that floor. Whenever I feel like I am doing so called "menial" tasks I must keep reminding myself that this may be greater than a senator giving a speech. Who am I to judge what is important in God's eyes.
That said I am going to go clean my room, and pray for whoever else is cleaning their room right now. :)